Same Day Delivery
Local Courier Delivery Service offers same day delivery of letters, small packages, and heavyweight shipments within a Metropolitan City Area. The service coverage can be any place located in the Continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. USA Couriers offers time-definite pickups and deliveries and can be customized to meet any company’s specific needs.
Local Courier Delivery Services offer:
- Choice and flexibility with multiple couriers in different cities;
- Rush service with immediate same day delivery, usually within 60 minutes;
- Standard service with same day delivery within hours;
- Routed service where shipments are picked up and delivered;
- Handling and delivery of extra weight shipments up to the weight handled commercially;
- Waiting or loading time where the driver will wait for the shipment or wait to deliver at the destination;
- Increased insurance available over the minimum $100;
- Saturday, Sunday & holiday pickup and delivery.
- Unified detailed invoicing.
Trucking may require a longer lead time – depending on the size and type of truck needed, and the time is takes to get the trucker in place. We will need to know the contents and approximate weight. For more information please refer to TRUCKING.
When calling, we need to know the following information:
- Your name and phone number
- Your Company Name
- Exact name and address of the pick up location
- Pick up Location Contact Person and phone
- Exact point of delivery – name, address and phone
- Any Special Instructions and the contacts